Thursday, May 24, 2012

My life with the Taliban

         I started to read the book "my life with the taliban" written by mullah abdul salam zaef in this book mullah zaef talks not only about the taliban but also about his entire life. In this book he explains many of the idolegies and policies of the taliban which i read more  about later and now know that the western media and goverments are twisting and lying about to make the taliban seem "evil" so people wont get mad at the governments for invading and doing illigal and many inhumane evil things in afganistan. the mullah also talks about his experinces fighting the comunists when he was fighting Jihad at age 14.When the americans atacked 16 years later they did many many cruel  types of torture to him and lots of other inicent people. The invaders are trying to use  propaganda and lies to justify the war in afganistan and make people belive the taliban are evil.After doing more reasearch I found out the war is going terrible for the invaders and much worse then what the goverment makes it seem.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

History Encyclopedia

          In 1948 Israel was formed in palestien the nearby arab countries was aganst this since its  a religious land for all three Ibrahimic religons Islam, judaism. After israel declared independence over a million palestinean people left for other countries almost 4 million people went to refugee camps in the gaza strip and  the west bank. the neighboring countres atacked israel after they took over palestien,golan heghts,and the sanial penninsula.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

History Encylopedia

       In this part of the encyclopedia i'm reading about British in the Indian subcontinent.The Britsh east india company controlled a large amount of trade in India and had a lot of political power the Mughal empire was declineing very fast.The british also controlled alot of land. By 1807 the mughal empire  had ended after 300 years the last  emperers were only figure heads of the british the last one was Bahadur Shah Zafar he was depoesed in 1807 and exield to Burma. Most of the kingdoms were under the control of the british they exploited the subcontinent and left millions of people in poverty and iliterate.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

History Encylopedia

            In this part of the encyclopedia Im reading about the Decline of the Mogul empire After Akbars death in 1605 his son Jahangir ruled after him his wife Nur Jahan actuly ruled since Jahangir was more interested poetry and art. After their deaths thir son Shah Jahan ruled he extended the Deccan in central india.Shah jahan also loved art and built many buildings like the Taj Mahal. When Shah jahan became very sick  his 4 sons fougth for control. Arungzeb the 3rd son imprisonned his father, killed his brothers,and became emperor. Arungzeb expanded the empire it its greatest extent almost the entire Indian  subcontinent.Arangzeb percecuted the majority of the population because they were Hindu. Arungzeb died in 1707 after his death the Hindu's rebelled aganst the next rulers.The  Mogul  Empire lasted another 200 years but was falling apart very fast.         

Thursday, January 19, 2012

History Encylopedia

          I was reading about the Ottoman empire in the Kingfisher History Encyclopedia. In 1301 the Ottoman empire was founded by Osman I in 1389 it extended into Europe. Mehmet II conqured 12 kingdoms and 200 cities in Anatolia  and the balkans . By 1520 Selim I gained Syria ,Arabia, Egypt ,and the city Constintinople and renamed it Istanbul. After capturing Istanbul the Ottoman empire began its golden age and spread 3 continents Europe, Africa,and Asia. Suleyman the magnificent captured  Belgrade,Hungary,Mesopotamia,armenia and the caucasus region he ruled for 46 years and after his death the ottoman empire was decling slowly.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

History encyclopedia

             The  book I'm reading  is the kingfisher history encyclopedia this book is about the history of diferent parts of the world the part of the world I'm reading now is the indian subcontinentwhen it was ruled by the mughal empire the book says that the founder of the mughal empire was Baubar who was a decendent of Chengis Khan he came to india becase he heard about the "riches" there he took over in the 15th century after he died and left the empire under his son Humyuon's control who expanded it after he died he left his son Akbar in power.Akbar was very tolerent to hindus and muslims even thugh he was muslim.