Thursday, May 24, 2012

My life with the Taliban

         I started to read the book "my life with the taliban" written by mullah abdul salam zaef in this book mullah zaef talks not only about the taliban but also about his entire life. In this book he explains many of the idolegies and policies of the taliban which i read more  about later and now know that the western media and goverments are twisting and lying about to make the taliban seem "evil" so people wont get mad at the governments for invading and doing illigal and many inhumane evil things in afganistan. the mullah also talks about his experinces fighting the comunists when he was fighting Jihad at age 14.When the americans atacked 16 years later they did many many cruel  types of torture to him and lots of other inicent people. The invaders are trying to use  propaganda and lies to justify the war in afganistan and make people belive the taliban are evil.After doing more reasearch I found out the war is going terrible for the invaders and much worse then what the goverment makes it seem.